GEURE-2021 Registrations invited from students “Graphic Era Deemed to be University Research Expo (GEURE-2021) Theme – UN 17 Goals” will be held on 10th April 2021 at Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. This expo is organized by GEU IEEE STUDENT BRANCH, Department of Computer Science and Engineering &…
Month: February 2021
Notice: Regarding Mini Project of 6th semester
Notice: Regarding Mini Project of 6th semester All the students of 6th semester have already received the topics for Mini project. Apart from being a compulsory component of the evaluation scheme miniprojects are essentially queried during placement interviews in the next semester. Keeping in view of the importance all 6th…
Graphic Era Deemed to be University Research Expo (GEURE-2021)
Greetings of the day! I am glad to inform you that an event “Graphic Era Deemed to be University Research Expo (GEURE-2021) Theme – UN 17 Goals” to be held on 10th April 2021 at Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. This expo will be organized by GEU IEEE…
Urgent Notice: List of 8th Sem students not completing Sales Force Trailmix program risking Failed grade in Seminar
A number of students currently in 8th semester opted for Sales Force Developer Trailmix program. However only a few of those students have completed the modules. The following students have not completed the program. It is reiterated that the Seminar Marks (100 marks) of 8th semester for these students are…
Mini Project Notice for 4th Semester Students
Mini Project Notice for 4th Semester Students The following lists the mini-project topics for the 4th semester students of BTech-CSE/CSE-DS/CSE-ML/CSE-CC/CSE-IS/CE/CST/CE-SE/IT students who have NOT OPTED for the GCCF. Along with the project list, name(s) of faculty member is(are) given who would act as the resource person for the topic….
Mini Project Notice for 6th Semester Students (CSE-Core and IT)
Mini Project Notice for 6th Semester Students (CSE-Core and IT) The following lists the mini-project topics for the students of BTech-CSE(Core)-6th semester and BTech(IT), 6thsemester. Along with the project list, name(s) of faculty member is(are) given who would act as the resource person for the topic. Note that you are…
Notice: Selected Students List for Mini Projects through GCCF (4th Sem)
Notice: Selected Students List for Mini Projects through GCCF (4th Sem) In continuation to the Notice regarding Mini Projects through GCCF for 4th semester, the following students have been selected to complete their mini projects through the GCCFs modules. The details of the same was already provided in the previous…
Notice: AWS Trainings in February, 2021
Notice: AWS Trainings in February, 2021 GEU has an ongoing collaboration with AWS Academy. To extend your learning about AWS, students are offered a complimentary place at the Live virtual AWS Trainings happening in January, 2021. Duration of these virtual sessions varies between 90 minutes to 5 hours and will…