Notice: Guidelines to prepare 4th and 6th semester Mini Project Report
The mini project evaluation of the 6th and 4th semesters is likely to be held on 15th and 16th July, 2023 (Saturday and Sunday) for 6th semester and on 22nd and 23rd July, 2023 (Saturday and Sunday) for 4th semester. The evaluation will be held in online mode and will be done by industry experts from reputed companies. The students are advised to complete their projects in all aspects so that the projects can be demonstrated to the external experts. Each student is required to prepare the following and subsequently appear for the project demonstration and viva:
- Soft Copy Report: Students should prepare a mini project report as per the given template and guidelines
- Mini Project Report Template Link :
- Mini Project Report Preparation Guidelines Link:
- PowerPoint Presentation: Prepare a PPT of around 10 slides. The PPT content must be as follows:
- Project Tile, Student Details and Mentor Name (First Slide)
- Introduction and Problem Statement (Max 2 Slides)
- Methodology (Max 3 Slides)
- Results and Discussion (Max 3 Slides)
- Conclusion and Future Work (1 Slide)
- Check Plagiarism: Make sure the report does not contain plagiarism as it will be verified by the plagiarism software.
Note: The detailed schedule of Mini Project Examination and link to upload report will be displayed at due time.