It’s a pleasure to announce that the much awaited launch of Smart India Hackathon 2019 problem statements has finally taken place and the portal is now ready for teams to register and submit their idea solutions .
Come, visit our all new portal to view the problem statements from industries, NGOs and ministries.
Here is a brief snapshot of the process flow :
– Team leader would form a team of 6 including him/her and register the team on the portal. College authority letter mandatory for team
– All team members have to be from the same college (having the same AICTE Application no / AISHE id).
– One team will have a unique team name only. As a team, they can submit solutions to multiple problem statements.
– College SPOC is expected to authenticate his/her college teams before they can select problem statements and upload idea solutions
– Once teams submit their ideas, College SPOC is expected to view the team’s idea submission, ensure that it is in order and submit it to SIH team for evaluation purpose