3rd Semester Industry Training Schedule
The Industry Specific training for the 3rd Sem CE, CST and different specializations of CSE will be held as per the following schedule with effect from Monday, 27 July, 2020. The topics of the trainings were already displayed.
For the schedule click here: http://csitgeu.in/wp/3indtt.xlsx
The students will receive directions as to how to attend the trainings at their emails they have provided. If a student does not receive the email, they are advised to contact their Mentors/Class Coordinators or Dr. Vijay Singh, Department of CSE.
Important Notes:
- For those trainings which consist of a Professional Certification Exam at the End, only those students who maintain a minimum attendance of 80% during the trainings will be allowed to appear for the Certification Test. There will be no relaxation whatsoever for any reasons.
- Students who will receive IoT Kits as part of their trainings will ensure to follow all safety measures while working with electricity power. The Department or the Training Provider does not assume any responsibility for electricity related incidents.