Assessment Test for Sessional Marks, Schedule of Data Structures (3rd Sem) on 7th Nov, 2020
An MCQ based assessment will be held for all subjects to account for the internal(sessional) marks. Each test will be of 25 minutes duration and will consist of 20 MCQ questions. A single MCQ test will cover both theory and lab components.
The tests will start on 7th Nov, 2020, Saturday and will end before Diwali. The schedule of all subjects will be displayed soon. On 7th Nov, 2020, Saturday the MCQ for Data Structures for 3rd semester is scheduled. The test is scheduled from 10 AM to 10.25 AM and will be held through Appearing in the test is compulsory as the sessional marks will be completely dependent on it.
Special Instructions regarding the DS Exams:
- For theory: 20 Marks sessional from the MCQ test and 5 Marks from attendance (based on views of lectures)
- For Lab: 20 marks sessional from MCQ test and 5 Marks from attendance (based on views of lectures)
- Questions will be completely based on the Lecture Videos and questions will be included from each video. Hence you are advised to go through the Lecture Videos in detail
For your easy reference the list of lecture videos and the URLs are provided below
1. Introduction to Data Structures & its classification
2. Data Structures: Implementation of Stack using Array
3. Implementation of Queue using Array | Data Structures
4. C Program for Stack using Linked List and Single Pointer
5. C Program for Stack using Linked List and Double Pointer
6. Circular Linked List – Implementation & Applications
7. Circular Linked List Algorithm | Prof. Kamal Ghanshala
8. Lecture on Doubly Linked List – Concept
9. C Program for Doubly Linked List – Implementation
10. Binary Search Tree (BST) Fundamentals Explained
11 . Construct a Binary Search Tree (BST) using single pointer-Program
12. Binary Search Tree Traversal Program | Inorder,Pre & Postorder
- C Program for inserting nodes in BST using Double Pointer
- Binary Search Tree (BST) Creation in 4 minutes