Notice: Elective Choices for 8h Semester
All CSE/IT who have completed 7th and are being promoted to 8th Semester are hereby notified to give their preferences for choice of Elective by filling the following form.
Please choose the Elective after considering your technical interests and proficiency. Talk to your Mentor or any faculty member if you need help in choosing the Elective. Once chosen, the choice cannot be changed under any circumstances.
If you do not fill the Elective choice by the due date you will be allotted an Elective by the Department based on operational factors and no representation will be entertained. So, ensure that you fill your choices.
An Elective will be offered only if a minimum of 60 students choose a subject (the Department may lower the minimum requirement based on circumstances, but it is not guaranteed). It is henceforth essential that you give all choices in order of preference. You will be allotted your first preference if it is offered based on enough students choosing it, if not offered you will be allotted your second preference and so on.
The Last Date of giving your choice is 5:00 PM Saturday, 22nd January, 2022. The link will be immediately closed after the due date and time.
Give your choice at: