The below-listed students have not appeared for the viva-voce examination of 7th Semester Industrial Interaction , and hence they are marked as ABSENT. Absentee List S.No. University Roll No. Student Name Branch/Section 2014681 HIMANSHU SINGH BORA SEC E 2014796 RAJAN SAINI SEC H 2014958 YUVRAJ SHARMA CE 2015126 HISHAM ABDO ABDULLA SHARAF ALDEEN DS…
Day: January 26, 2023
Notice: 6th Semester CSE Group formation test for upcoming placement preparation classes
It is hereby informed to all students of 6th Semester CSE Department that their Group formation test for upcoming placement preparation classes will be held on Thursday, 02 Feb 2023 on hackerearth platform in Campus only. The time of the test and seating plan will be shared through email. All…