Notice: Industrial Interaction (Internship) Report Submission for 7th Semester Students
All the 7th semester students are hereby informed to submit their Industrial Interaction (Internship) report done after 6th semester as per the following instructions. The report should be submitted both in soft and hard copy. The soft copy of the report should be submitted latest by 5PM of Monday, 18th Oct, 2021. The Hard copy should be submitted at the Department latest by 22nd Oct, 2021. Unless both the submissions are made, submission will be deemed incomplete.
Total Marks: 100 (Report 70 Marks, Viva 30 Marks), Viva will be held at a later date and will be informed subsequently.
The report should contain the following
- Title Page
- Copy of Certificate
- Contact Details of HR Manager/Project Manager/ Reporting Person / Faculty of the organization where internship was carried out.
- Table of Contents
- Acknowledgement
- About the Company
- Work Responsibilities
- Work Details (Can be divided into one or more chapters, do not insert generic contains include only specific details according to your work.)
- Skills Learned
- Conclusion
Submit the soft copy report(in word or pdf format only) by the due data using the following link: