DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING CIRCULAR Major Project Guide Allocation All the final year students are hereby informed that the Department Project Review Committee (DPRC) finalized the project guides to develop the final year project. The concerned guide will work as a resource person for that respective student group. The…
Mini Project Notice for 6th Semester Students (CSE-Core and IT) The following lists the mini-project topics for the students of BTech-CSE(Core)-6th semester and BTech(IT), 6thsemester. Along with the project list, name(s) of faculty member is(are) given who would act as the resource person for the topic. Note that you are…
Notice: 5 sem CC and BDA(Hands On Training on Big Data And Cloud) It hereby informed to all students of 5 sem CC and BDA that a hands on training on cloud computing and Bigdata is organized by the department. It is required for all students of 5 sem CC…