The department of Computer Science and Engineering is offering selected courses from SWAYAM as an elective course. The students of department of CSE 3rd, 5th and 7th semesters may opt for one course as an elective through ERP. The details of the SWAYAM courses, along with mentors are mentioned below. If the student is choosing the SWAYAM course as an elective, he/she should follow the following steps:
- The student has to choose the Swayam course from the given list as per their semester
- Do the registration for the particular course before the deadline mentioned on SWAYAM portal
- After registration, fill out this form:
- Mentors are assigned for each course; students may contact the mentor for more details
- After successful completion of course, students have to submit the course passing certificate to their mentors. Elective marks are provided based on the passing certificate
Note: Students will be responsible for incorrect choice of SWAYAM course as an elective
The details of the SWAYAM courses with mentors are as follows: