CEC Classes 5th Semester Qualifying Examination Notice
It is hereby informed to all CS/IT 5th semester students that a test is being conducted to form groups of students for CEC classes. The online qualifying test for the program will be conducted on 15th July 2021 at 5:30 PM for all the registered students through test invites on Hacker Earth.
Registration link is https://forms.gle/KUSBLKkcb5BVJSZc6
Deadline for registration: July 13, 2021, 5:00 PM
All the students are directed to start login using test invite sent to their registered mail ids 12 hours before the commencement of the test, between 5:30 PM to 5:50 PM only, no login can be done after 5:50 PM.
- We strongly recommend creating a Gmail id like recruityourname2023@gmail.com for all placement and training-related purposes. It looks official instead of something like funnyrockstar492@gmail.com. After creating this new mail ID you can register on the link above, in case you have already filled the form with some other id then do not fill the form again.
- You will receive a test invite on the email id which you have provided above, so fill registration form very carefully.
- No request of re-test or not registered on time will be entertained under any circumstances. Make sure your systems are working properly and you have good internet connectivity during the test.
- Strong plagiarism detection software will be used to detect cheating. Copying code or cheating from your batchmates (both the cheating person and the helper person) from other mediums will result in getting debarred from these classes permanently.
- After the test, 3 separate groups will be formed: G1 (top 200 students), G2(next 250 students), and G3 (rest of the students). The grouping is done for targeted teaching and training so that the unique requirements for each student based on their requirements can be suitably addressed. G1 can begin with advanced concepts training, G2 will begin with more practice on problem-solving approach and G3 will strengthen their fundamentals. It is expected that by using a different approach for each of the groups all students will get to the same level at the end. So, it is a good idea to take the test on your own, because then you will be placed in the right group. Reshuffling of groups can occur in future based on students’ performance.
In case of any query, please contact Career Enhancement Cell through message only (Mr. Akshay Rajput, Mr. Ashish Garg).