ICT Academy in its endeavour to create a new generation talent pool has been working all along with Government Departments and Corporates in initiating Skill Development Training Programs for the youth in various sectors.
Honeywell has inked a MoU with ICT Academy to implement its CSR initiative across states including Uttarakhand (Graphic Era Deemed to be University) in India to skill graduating final year students on Advanced IT Skills. Honeywell seeing abundant job opportunities available for the youth in the IT & ITES industry, has initiated to skill the graduating final year students from the rural and low-income family groups, thus helping them build their socio-economic levels. The objective is to skill the student youth and prepare them to be deployable resources.
ICT Academy through its Institutional tie-up with Graphic Era Deemed to be University, for skilling youth has taken up the responsibility to implement the initiative. The features of the training are given below.
Salient features of the Training Program
- Establishing a Centre of Excellence (COE) under the CSR initiative of Honeywell.
- The COE is for skilling 110 girl students in Advanced Technology, in demand in the industry.
- Curriculum is mapped to Global Industry Standards.
- Joint Certification by Honeywell and ICT Academy to the youth successfully completing the training.
- 100 hours of activity-based and hands-on training.
- The Certificate Program is fully sponsored by Honeywell supported by ICT Academy and offered free of cost to the girl students.
- Placement drives would be organized for students successfully complete the training.
Mode of Delivery of the training
- OFFLINE – 100 hours
Mandatory Requirements
- Only girl students passing out in 2023 is to be nominated.
- Registered candidates have to give a declaration of completing the course.
- Candidates must be willing to take up a job.
- Candidates should register in the link shared.
Assessment & Certification
- Candidates must clock a minimum of 90% attendance. There will be strict monitoring of attendance.
- Internal assessments through mock sessions and workshops will be conducted.
- There will be a final assessment conducted.
- Successful girl students will be issued with a joint certification from Honeywell and ICT Academy.
Placement Facilitation
- ICT Academy has a Strategic Alliance Department to collaborate with the Corporates to take care of supplying resources.
- Year on year ICT Academy has been increasing its tie-up with local and city-based companies for recruitment opportunities for trained resources.
- Will organize placement drives for placement opportunities for the trained youth.
Who Can Apply?
- Girl Students pursuing Pre – Final year graduation in Circuit Branches in Engineering – Btech CSE, Btech IT, Btech CE, BSc IT or BCA, MCA (2023 Passing Out).
- Girl Students with 60% and above throughout their academics. (in Class X, Class XII and in graduation up to the current semester).
The seats are allocated on first come first serve basis. Total seats available: 110
Students who wish to participate in this training are requested to register themselves at :https://forms.gle/hkztU4k2c7Mov2qz9
IMPORTANT NOTE: Strict action will be taken against defaulters. Kindly register only if you are willing to attend the training.
For any Query Contact Prof. Sarishma.