The Mid Term Back Practical Examination of the following subjects will be held as per the below schedule. The Lab practical exam will have three components write-up, execution, and viva-voce.
IIIrd Semester | ||
Subjects Name with Code : | Faculty Name | Timing |
OOPS with C++ Lab (PCS307) | Mr. Sanjeev Kukreti | 8-Aug-22 10:00 AM onwards |
Fundamental of Cloud Computing and Bigdata Lab (PCS351) | Dr. Sachin Sharma | 8-Aug-2022 12:00 PM onwards |
Vth Semester | ||
Subjects Name with Code | Faculty Name | Timing |
DAA Lab (PCS505) | Ms. Meenakshi Maindola | 8-Aug-2022 10:00 AM onwards |
Operating Systems Lab (PCS506) | Mr. Yuvraj Singh | 8-Aug-2022 12:00 PM onwards |
DBMS Lab(PCS503) | Mrs. Parul Madan | 8-Aug-2022 2:00 PM onwards |
Note: Contact the concerned faculties for more details.